I noticed pretty soon there are only about twelve single men in this valley. Seeing the same faces on Tinder every time. Then seeing those faces at the cafe, the bakery or they turn out to be your friend's roommate. Of course. Thank god I'm not an awkward person.
I, my dear friend, am the queen of awkwardness so yes there have been multiple blushes, sweaty body parts, reciting entire episodes of Friends and no one who understands what I'm actually doing. Especially me. So this time I am prepared. I bought chocolates and wine yesterday so there is no reason to leave the house today.
Don't get me wrong, it's not because I am wearing PJ's all day that I am not a productive human being, capable of loving! Ha! Quite the contrary! I am dedicating today to love in shape of paper and pen. I will be writing letters to loved ones worldwide, more specific to the Letters For Love tribe. The sweetest part of all this is: you, too, can join the letter tribe and receive a love letter, written by me on this fine day.
I will happily pour my heart out on pieces of paper, sprinkle some perfume and seal it with a kiss. I bought extra red lipstick especially for this! This is how serious I take my love letter writing. Because I know how good it feels to open that snail mailbox and finding an old fashioned analogue letter. It's like sneezing after three days of having an itchy nose. Yes, it's THAT good. What is even better: I created a facebook page named Letters For Love.
The concept is simple, but genius: you can order as many letters as you like, which I will write you during this good year of 2017. So if you like one letter per season, or one every month, or just one for Valentine's Day or your birthday, anything is possible. The next step: as this is a fundraiser for the wonderful project named Mobile School (www.mobileschool.org), which provides access to education for children living on the street. You can donate any amount you like per love letter. 5 dollars is great! 100 is fabulous! Again: anything is possible here. At the end of December I will gather the funds and donate the integral sum to Mobile School during Music for Life on Belgian radio. Making the world a lovelier place, one letter at a time. A win-win-win situation!
What makes all of this EVEN better: because it's Valentine's Day and I'm feeling all loved and happy (the wine kicking in), I want to give you the Valentine's gift you have been dreaming of! The ultimate present of love! No, not a meet and greet with Matt Corby, please woman. Get in line.
But seriously, I have an amazing basket filled with LUSH goodies, worth about a gazillion dollars! This can be all yours, if you join the letter tribe by sending me a message on facebook or email with your address and I will start sending you love letters.
On February 20, I will pick a random name of the letter tribe and announce the winner of this package of Lush goodness! So keep your eyes and ears open, drop whatever you're doing and get to the Letters For Love page or message me for info!
Happy Valentine's Day!
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