8 February 2017

Snowy adventures

If I would explain last week in colours, I would speak in snow and night sky. Clouds gathering, flakes falling. Wherever I look, I see paintings of white and black and all the shades of grey. Not the exciting kind, more the stay inside and carry blankets around the house kind of story. Don't be fooled by my cosy style as I wrap my socks around my legs, all the way up to my knees, pyjama pants neatly tucked in them to keep the warmth in. I stare out of the window and see my freedom wheels, riding me all over the place in search for crazy adventures. Just not now. A bike covered in snow is not always the way to roll. 

I have been stuck in my snowy cabin. The only way to get a coffee is to hitch hike into town. It's easy but slippery and I kinda like not having to wear outside clothes (meaning anything that is not considered PJ's). But one fine morning I peeled my pyjamas off my body and decided it was time for action! It's not because I'm stuck in the snow I can't go on adventures! Right? I gave my bike a look of a disappointment, grabbed my coat and hopped in my new friend Carol's car. 

I met Carol a week ago, when life was still sunny and warm. My bike and I were on a journey in Courtenay and of course I had no idea where I was going so I asked a fellow biking lady for directions. And just like that, a new friendship was born! We swapped biking for hiking and set off on a day trip to Campbell River. The drive was like a dream of winter wonderland, with snowy trees, mountains and views so beautiful my old little camera had no idea what to do with them.

As we approached Elk Falls Provincial Park, I got excited. I had only ever heard of snowshoeing when I moved to BC two weeks ago. And yes, I imagined walking around with tennis rackets tied under my shoes. Which - for those of you who are with me - is NOT the case. Getting ready took me about two hours but there I was with snowshoes and poles and thermal underwear. Elk Falls, show me what you've got! 

A gorgeous forest walk and then... A lot of steps to get to the viewpoint. The gear went off (except for the thermals) and I enjoyed the gorgeous falls. As I was looking around, I felt as if I was really living in a painting. Oh, beautiful Vancouver Island! I'm in love.

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