22 February 2014

Wedding anniversary

Do you remember my wedding with my first wife Gemma last year? When I was still blond and fat and new to the whole wedding thing? We had a beautiful day in Brisbane playing love songs and eating cake. It looked a bit like this:

One year later, we met up again and all I wanted to do was jump into her arms and never let go. This time we were prepared. There were wedding gowns and two best men who dressed up in suits on a 42 degree day and drank coffee with tequila for breakfast. Best men are the best. We drank our brekkies, wiped the sweat off our faces and posed like people do on their one year anniversary.

After our wedding shoot in the center of Melbourne, we drove to best man Laurens house to grab bikinis and guitars and go to the river for an afternoon of swimming fun. Until her car broke down in the middle of the road. I pushed it to the side of the street, tripping over my wedding dress. While she called help, her beard was melting like ice cream on a sunny day. So there we were: a half bearded best man and the sweatiest bride you've ever seen, sitting next to a broken car on the side of the road. 

One hour later we arrived at her house, jumped under the garden hose to cool down and decided to enjoy our anniversary day in Melbourne's loveliest garden. There were guitars, ukuleles, fruitbowls, cheese platters, the finest chocolates and five bottles of champagne. It turned out to be one of the most amazing days of my life. The gorgeous company, music and conversations filled me up with love and inspiration. My sweet wifey would be going to Nepal soon, so we enjoyed every last moment together. We danced, sang and celebrated life the whole day. Two days later, I booked tickets to Nepal. Wifey, I'll see you in Kathmandu in March. And I'm bringing my wedding dress. 

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