7 April 2014

My love for FNQ

Far North Queensland, you did it again. You spoiled us like little brats. Every creek is a piece of paradise, the forests are never ending and the people, oh the people. Far North Queenslanders are like a cup of steaming hot chocolate on a rainy day. All you need and more. I lost my heart to FNQ a year ago and I was dancing with excitement to go back and show that place how much I love it.

After months of festivalling it felt good to spend time with family in the beautiful surroundings of Cairns, Mossman and the Dainetree. This last one is the oldest slice of rainforest on the planet, filled with Aboriginal stories and traces of magic. Mind blowing and soul shaking. So were the mosquitos but I found a good friend in Bushman, an insect repellent that is so chemical and poisonous even people and wildlife stay away.

Take me back to crystal blue water, picnics on top of waterfalls, seven swims a day, wine tasting in the sun, waking up on the beach, roadtrips and sleeping under stars. Ahh Australia, marry me.

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